Wednesday, July 21, 2010

haRi yG bAhaGia..,,!oR brThdaY FaTIn..!

>hri nie..wah..!merantau ke rmah org skit...!skit r sgat..dafina r xdtg skola pdhal sakit skit je...haha..g laa rmah dye ngan gile..ktorg wat kjutan kt dye..dye tkjut gile kowt..haha..bpak best!..mentang2 mak ayah dye xde..ktorg wat cam umah sndiri..~msuk syap2 blik dafina..dye gram gile kowt...fatin plak selamba bru dtg bkak peti sjuk...wat cam umah dye.!sblum kul 5 aku kne g skola laen g skola pgi2..aku ngan fatin g skola kul 4lbih..haha..!da la kte org jlan cam kopel(les)..kongsi payung~..~...nie jerh yg ak ingt.>!<

Sunday, July 18, 2010

cKg prAkticaL~

i miss all teacher srang tu..aku xske dye..lbih krg bnci kowt..nothing i can say about him...srius ak mmg bnci dye..first time ak tgok dye..wah ensem second time..ensem...third time ensem laa la skit..fifth..bleh spuluh...XLNSUNG..!sbb ble ak da knal dye ak bru thu spe dye..i have no idea why pupil call him "teacher" or "cikgu"..ak rse xlyak..sorry tpi mmg ye..tpi aku ade geng dislike dye..haha...nobody know who the teacher..guess who..??he broken my heart..!

first time blog..!

arh..aku laa org yg xthu pa pe nk wat psal blog nie..main tkan je skati..huh..aku bljar sndiri..cari..n..tgok cnth log org laen..perh..hampeh r blog aku..!